Garramone s.n.c.←back

Services For The Environmen


Garramone snc is a service company that works for more than thirty years in the field of environment, their experience has been consolidated in the Oil & Gas sector, with activities such as industrial plant:

  • Cleaning of industry equipments (Well heads, separators, heat exchangers, columns of dehydration, filters, pipes, tanks, containment basins, bays, loading and unloading, tube, etc..)
  • Suction of surface oil, decanted of waste water, hydrocarbons
  • Pressurization of pipelines, and various equipment
  • Hot flushing of hot chemicals products
  • Vacuum suction of liquids, stowed in potentially explosive atmospheres areas (ATEX) classified Category 1 (Zone 0)
  • Transport of dangerous goods in ADR, special waste, hazardous, in ADR and reclaimed (liquids and solids)
  • Inspector
  • Supply of drinking water and for industrial use

Certification: UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 / UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 / OHSAS 18001: 2007

Registration: Albo Autotrasportatori C/T/ Albo Gestori Ambientali Categorie 1/4/5/8/9


ctr. Costa Della Gaveta, 35, 85100

Copyright © 2015 | Pangea Srl - C.da Cembrina Zona Industriale, 85059 Viggiano (PZ) - P.IVA 01848020762 tel./fax: +39 0975311269 | cell.: +39 3383198914 | e-mail: